exhibition is devote to our northern nature, our people-seamen. On the north of
Russia you can meet a wood architecture and language of old centuries .
Our people didn't know a serfdom, so here a spirit of freedom and creativeness
was expressed more than in the middle Russia. A majestic northern nature was
promote also to this creative work. For some last years I have made several
exhibitions in Mezen district and Archangelsk. So, I invite you to visit my
exhibition "My Northern Land". For introduction I offer an article about my
exhibition in Mezen.
Beauty Behind Mesen's Outskirts
took the camera in his hands for the first time 22 years ago, during the Olympic
games in Moscow , when he was a student of veterinary institute. And, since
then, it is possible to tell, he didn't leave it any more.
At the beginning, as it usually happens, Fyodor Safonov took photos of his
friends and familiars, cities and memorable places. And only after some
time he realized, that it's not necessary to go far to find beauty. It's
near, beyond my native Mezen outskirts!
So, the whole cycle of photos about Mezen and the North was born,
which poured out eventually into the exhibition "My northern land". It has been
working in Mezen museum of local lore since May of 2002 on the eve of the Day of
the Slavic literature and culture. And a certain part of that exhibition was
shown also in the native village of the author, in Kimzha. And this trip to the
native village on Iljin day ( the 2-d of August) was not accidental. Visitors
can see Kimzha, it's people and vicinities, which are of great importance in
photo works by Fyodor. It is enough to look at such snapshots as "The church of
Odigitria", "Kimzha domes", "Spring", "Vow Cross" to understand the attitude of
the author to the small native land. All these photos are made with kind
attention and love.
For Mezen people Fyodor Safonov , except of everything, is known as
passionate traveler For last years he covered on foot through the native places
not less than several hundred kilometers. And, certainly, he didn't forget to
take with him for a road a camera. So, the new theme has appeared in his
creative work. And for more of us it will be a wander to look at color snapshots
of the old Mezen post road, the river Kepina, quaint landscapes of Pinega`s
We have to be true: not all pictures have got high criteria of an art photo, but
Fyodor's sincere, full of love sight on his native land, we shall use this word,
propaganda of beauty cause respect. You see, that it is so perfect, when the man
goes on his native land not with malice, but with the camera and open heart!